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Sustainable Wealth Management

More than charity — we are building and continuing social relations where people give what they can and get what they need.

Our mission is to build stronger, healthier communities by providing support to those who need the most help.

YOUR WEALTH could transform a life.  

Consider how your wealth could be transformed…into opportunities for people to make connections, unlock talent, and create a safe and flourishing community for our children and grandchildren.


We believe in you and the best parts of who you are.

We support people through giving:

  • facilitating direct giving 
  • supporting mutual aid efforts 
  • helping other non-profits
  • improving the health of our community

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

We encourage the notion that a community can be transformed by how our taxes are directed.   We already have the wealth to help provide basic needs for all of us – food, housing, utilities, health care, childcare, and more.

We must measure the success of our community by those with the least — not those with the most.

“We know that people want to help other people and we hope to provide the connections to allow that.”

– Julia Tausil Co- Founder

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